It's not an uncommon sight, actually. Public parks and recreation areas rarely have full-fledged dressing rooms for the amateur sports teams that gather from morning til night to play soccer, baseball, field hockey and other team sports. So you can often spot a scene like this where one or more of the group gets changed in front of the rest, or at least they are changing at different time. This Japanese guys seems totally comfortable being naked in front of his friends. Sometimes, the others see it as an opportunity to have a bit of fun with one of their unsuspecting teammates. So at time you can catch them poking good-natured fun at him, trying to steal his clothes to keep him naked longer, or even a bit more boisterous antics, like chasing him around naked. I have posted about the times I have sneaked a peek at a college men's frisbee soccer team getting dressed after practice in an open field. See that entry and related posts at:
Japanese guys are changing their clothes outside, but thy don't know they are being photographed. See his cock after the jump.

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